Italian CARINI DB (narrative style)
The Italian CARINI DB (narrative style) comprises the recordings of three novels by Dino Buzzati (“Il Colombre”, “I sette messaggeri” and “La giacca stregata”) read by a professional speaker (Claudio CARINI). The domain of this DB is a novel-like narrative reading style that is a relatively calm., clear and relaxed style. The total duration of the DB is aroung 1 hour for a total of 698 sentences and 7709 words. |
Italian ECARINI DB (emotional)
In order to collect the necessary amount of emotional speech data to train the TTS prosodic models, a professional actor (Claudio CARINI) was asked to produce vocal expressions of emotion (often using standard verbal content) as based on emotion labels and/or typical scenarios. The Emotional-CARINI (E-Carini) database recorded for this study contains the recording of a novel (“Il Colombre” by Dino Buzzati) read and acted in different elicited emotions. According to the Ekman’s theory six basic emotions, plus a neutral one, have been taken into consideration: anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. The duration of the database is about 15 minutes for each emotion. |
For more information please contact :
Piero Cosi |
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - Sezione di
Padova "Fonetica e Dialettologia" CNR di Padova (e-mail: |