Italian FESTIVAL TTS Modules and IT-Flite
Italian TTS source code, Voice data files and Lexicon for FESTIVAL (Software/Database/Lexicon)

are now distributed with
a GNU General Public License AGREEMENT

download here at the end of the page

download at SourceForge

download at FreshMeat

Italian FESTIVAL Re-LPC download    top.gif (983 bytes)
Festival offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C++ library, and an Emacs interface. Festival is multi-lingual (currently English, Welsh, Spanish and now Italian!) though English is the most advanced.

FESTIVAL is available for download at

New Italian-specific scripts and modules can be downloaded together with two new Italian female and male voices (lp, pc) created from speech collected at ISTC-SPFD CNR and ITC-irst

Italian - FESTIVAL residual LPC:  It comprises the following files:

Licence - ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst Licence agreement for Italian
Italian Scheme code - Scheme/Tcl code for Italian voices (common to all voices)
IFD-Lexicon - Festival-format Italian lexicon compiled by ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst

Choose one or both of the following voices:

pc_diphone - Italian male voice (recorded by ISTC-SPFD CNR)
lp_diphone - Italian Female male voice (recorded by ITC-irst

In order to install the IFD-FESTIVAL resLPC package you must first install the Italian Scheme code and IFD-Lexicon (lex.out) over the official FESTIVAL  package  and one or both of the two Italian voices (pc_diphone, lp_diphone).

for more information and INTSALLATION instructions see the FULL INSTALLATION page!

Italian OGI Re-LPC for FESTIVAL download    top.gif (983 bytes)
This OGI-ReLPC plug-in for Festival provides a new signal processing engine and new voices not included in the Festival distribution.

The OGI-ReLPC plug-in for Festival is available for a free download at

New Italian-specific scripts and modules can be downloaded together with two new Italian female and male voices (lp, pc) created from speech  collected at ISTC-SPFD CNR and ITC-irst.

IFD - OGI residual LPC for FESTIVAL:  It comprises the following files:

Licence - ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst Licence agreement for Italian
Italian Scheme code - Scheme/Tcl code for Italian voices (common to all voices)
IFD-Lexicon - Festival-format Italian lexicon compiled by ISTC-SPFD CNR

Choose one or both of the following voices:

pc_ogi_diphone - Italian male voice (recorded by ISTC-SPFD CNR)
lp_ogi_diphone - Italian Female male voice (recorded by ITC-irst

In order to install the IFD-OGIrelLPC package you must first install the Italian Scheme code and IFD-Lexicon over the official FESTIVAL package  with the addition of the OGI-ReLPC plug-in for Festival available for a free download at and one of the two Italian voices (pc_ogi_diphone, lp_ogi_diphone).

for more information and INTSALLATION instructions see the FULL INSTALLATION page!

Italian MBROLA for FESTIVAL download    top.gif (983 bytes)

A new male and female Italian database, developed at ISTC-SPFD CNR and ITC-irst respectively, for RE-LPC Festival and OGI RE-LPC for Festival, has been converted also in an MBROLA Diphone data-base  format by TCTS Lab and it is available for download under MBROLA license agreement at: with the name and  

In order to use this MBROLA voice you have to download the MBROLA tools at with the name mbrolatools311.exe

Moreover, Festival modules, specifically created for MBROLA synthesizer, have been adapted to Italian by ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst. Various scripts for automatic segmentation, diphone extraction and MBROLA format adaptation have been developed with the function of making faster the creation of a new voice. Besides MBROLA tools, in fact, the new Italian MBROLA database can be utilized within Festival after the installation of new Italian-specific scripts and modules:

Italian - MBROLA  for FESTIVAL: It comprises the following files:

Licence - GNU - GPL
Italian Scheme code - Scheme/Tcl code for Italian voices (common to all voices)
IFD-Lexicon - Festival-format Italian lexicon compiled by ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst

Note that IFD-lexicon (lex.out) for Italian voices is based on ISTC-SPFD CNR&ITC-irst proprietary lexicon and  is free only for non-commercial use. 

It comprises also the following FESTIVAL specific modules for the Italian MBROLA new male/female voices:

pc_mbrola ISTC-SPFD CNR modules for Italian male MBROLA voice for FESTIVAL (by ISTC-SPFD CNR)
lp_mbrola  ITC-irst  modules for Italian female MBROLA voice for FESTIVAL (by ITC-irst )

Besides MBROLA tools (mbrolatools311.exe) in  order to install the IFD MBROLA for Festival package you must first install the IFD-Italian Scheme code and IFD-Lexicon (lex.out) over the official FESTIVAL package and at least one of the ISTC-SPFD CNT/ITC-irst  modules for Italian male/female MBROLA voices for FESTIVAL (pc_mbrola, pc_mbrola, lp_mbrola, lp_mbrola)

for more information and INTSALLATION instructions see the FULL INSTALLATION page!

IT-FLite    top.gif (983 bytes)

Flite ( was originally developed by Alan Black and Kevin Lenzo at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
The original version of flite supports only the english language.
For other languages, like italian, the original library cannot be used.
Some months after the release of the version 1.2 of the CMU FLite library, a module for italian voice in Festival and a program called IT-FLite was released.
IT-FLite is a portable C library dedicated to text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis, it is based on MBROLA synthesis engine and it is based on version 1.2 of the original CMU FLite library.

Supports Italian voices (IT_PC);
The system is based on LPC (Linear Predictive Coding);
The required databases are fully contained in static libraries: no external program is required;
Based on MBROLA synthesis engine and it is based on version 1.2 of the original CMU FLite;
Compatible with diphone databases for FLite 1.2;
Italian lexicons provided;
Compatible with Linux and Open Sound System (OSS).

ML-Flite    top.gif (983 bytes)

A new version called ML-FLite (Multilanguage FLite) (English and Italian voices) was developed by Filippo Battaglia, a researcher of Visilab Research Center of the University of Messina, has integrated the core of the CMU FLite library (version 1.3), the LPC database and the italian lexicon provided by ICST-CNR Institute, and the LPC databases for english voices that have been originally provided by Carnegie Mellon University.

The library is based on FLite version 1.3 ( originally developed by Alan Black and Kevin Lenzo at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
ML-FLite is a portable, fully optimized, library for text-to-speech synthesis, able to use both italian and english voices without differences.

Supports english voices (KAL, KAL16, AWBTime) and an italian voice (IT_PC);
The system is based on LPC (Linear Predictive Coding);
The required databases are fully contained in static libraries: no external program is required;
Fully portable on any embedded platform;
Fully optimized;
Compatible with diphone databases for FLite 1.2 or FLite 1.3 (the library executes automatically the appropriate conversion routine);
English and Italian lexicons provided;
Expandable with other languages;
Compatible with Linux and Open Sound System (OSS).
Supported platforms
In this section you can download only the version for x86 cpu.
For Sony Playstation Portable (PSP), a dedicated version of the library, hardware accelerated, is available in the Nanodesktop distribution, starting from version 0.5.

This project is mantained by Filippo Battaglia. If you have some questions about it, you can contact him at the mail address:

Download lexicon, scheme files and IMS PaIntE module

We suggest that You download and install english lexicons

Note that You must accept their license
You may found useful information on these lexicon at

Italian lexicon and scheme files

Note that You must accept their license

IMS PaIntE module (Only if You want 2c_vq voices)

Note that You must accept its license
You may found useful information on PaintE at
This is a modified version of the module:
  1. We have removed some code which license is not compatible with GPL. Due to this change, You cannot perform analysis with this module, but only synthesis.
  2. We have fixed compilation with any gcc compiler.
  3. We have fixed compatibility with festival 1.4.3, 1.95-beta, 1.96-beta.
  4. We have added some more option to some function, setting the default to the original module behaviour.

Download MBROLA and MBROLA diphones' databases


Note that You must accept its license
You may found useful information on mbrola at
Download page

Italian databases

Note that You must accept their license
You may found useful information on mbrola at

Download voices

Basic voices


MBROLA voices (You need MBROLA)


MBROLA 2c_vq voices (You need mbrola and PaintE module)


OGIresLPC voices (You need OGIresLPC module)


for more information and INTSALLATION instructions see the FULL INSTALLATION page!


Download IT-FLite

IT-FLite 0.75
Flite (flite-1.2-release.tar.gz) is needed to generate the libflite.a library
and it is downloadable at
(it requires Linux Ubuntu and OSS support in Linux kernel)

Windows Binary: it_flite_setup.exe

IT-FLite 0.8
Flite (flite-1.2-release.tar.gz e flite_lexfix.tar.gz) is needed to generate the libflite.a library
and is downloadable at

(it requires Linux Ubuntu and OSS support in Linux kernel)

License and terms of use
IT-flite is free software. You can redistribute it under the terms of GNU Lesser General License (LGPL).
Italian flite is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License");
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Download ML-flite


In this section you can download only the version for x86 cpu.
For Sony Playstation Portable (PSP), a dedicated version of the library, hardware accelerated, is available
in the Nanodesktop distribution, starting from version 0.5.

Download ML-fLite version 1.4 for x86 platform
(it requires Linux Ubuntu and OSS support in Linux kernel)

License and terms of use
ML-flite is free software. You can redistribute it under the terms of GNU Lesser General License (LGPL).
See the file README.PDF for further details.

This project is mantained by Filippo Battaglia. If you have some questions about it, you can contact me at the mail address:

For more information please contact :

Piero Cosi

Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - Sede di Padova "Fonetica e Dialettologia"
CNR (e-mail:

Fabio Tesser

Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - Sede di Padova "Fonetica e Dialettologia"
CNR (e-mail:

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